الثلاثاء، 9 فبراير 2021


Emirates Arrived To Mars

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 The United Arab Emirates' first mission to Mars arrived at the red planet on Tuesday and successfully entered orbit on its first attempt.

The Emirates Mars Mission, known as the Hope Probe, sent back a signal confirming it's in orbit.
"Success! Contact with #HopeProbe has been established again. The Mars Orbit Insertion is now complete," according to a tweet from the mission's Twitter Account at 11:16 a.m.
    The UAE Space Agency began live coverage of Hope's arrival on February 9, beginning at 10 a.m. 
    When the spacecraft arrived, the Hope Probe marked the UAE as only the fifth country in history to reach the red planet and a first for the Arab world. The ambitions of the mission don't stop there.
    The probe, along with its three scientific instruments, is expected to create the first complete portrait of the Martian atmosphere. The instruments will collect different data points on the atmosphere to also gauge seasonal and daily changes. 

    Emirates Arrived To Mars
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